Wilke likely pick for 8th District alderman

June 5, 2009

The founder of the Park Ridge Neighborhood Association may become the newest member of Wauwatosa's Common Council.

Jason Wilke received the most votes from a selection committee Wednesday night to fill the vacant 8th District seat. Craig Maher previously served in the position, but he resigned in March.

The committee's recommendation for the appointment will go to the full council June 16 for action.

Wilke's appointment would result in a full council for the first time since December. The other 8th District seat and a 7th District seat were filled by appointments in recent months.

Throughout the appointment process, committee members have emphasized their interest in finding candidates who have been involved in the community.

Wilke serves as Park Ridge Neighborhood Association president and is active in the Neighborhood Association Council and the Hartung Park Community Association. Professionally, he works as a landscape architect for Waukesha County's parks department.

Four other residents also were interviewed for the position.


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